A New Normal

Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God. 2 Corinthians 3:5

In this day of such Worldly chaos I tend to want to shut down and forget that God does not want us to live in fear.  I’m sure many of us out there fear for what is to come, lost jobs, lost businesses, and even losing what we would consider our Normal lives, because let’s face it... None of us are sure that that once thought normalcy is ever going to come back.

Over the past few years My husband and I have been slowly working on becoming more self-sufficient.  It feels like the right thing to do.  It’s been a slow process for us but when furlough hit me, due to the pandemic, a few months ago it struck a chord on how easily our comforts can come and go as well as how spoiled we really are!  It also showed me that because we have chickens, and because we do hunt for venison, etc... we knew we would be ok for at least a little while.  

During my furlough we worked even harder at getting self-sufficient.  We have been Gardening by trial and error to say the least;  we now have honey bees; and we are increasing our flock of chickens tremendously here in the next few months.  Most importantly we are realizing, in a deeper way, that we can depend on God to help us make a way and He will never fail us.  We need just be present and willing.

I hope you will join me on this journey of discovering what the new normal is and what God has in store for my husband and I as we learn to live off the land and become who God wants and needs us to be in this moment of time.


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