Use Your Resources

I wonder at times how people that lived before us figured things out without the use of the technology we have out there today!🤔.  Can you imagine the trials and errors they had to go through!   

Fortunately we do have access to all kinds of technology and free resources that will teach you just about anything you want to know or do.  And if you are a self proclaimed “Jack of all trades, Master of none”, like myself, you will have no trouble figuring things out, in most cases, as long as you are willing to do the research it takes to get you there. 

Now I will throw this in... Just in case you are like me and tend to dive right into a project and just sink until you swim, like I do at times... This can become quite costly.  It’s often the challenge that pulls me in and since my husband and I, for the most part, don’t spend a bunch of money going places, I guess we can count my many fails as an entertainment expense... as they are quite entertaining at times! 🤷‍♀️😂

Here are some pics of a few of the things I have taught myself to do through websites like Pinterest, YouTube, and even Bluprint (Craftsy).  You will undoubtedly recognize some of these and probably have a few of them pinned to your own how to boards on Pinterest. 

While I didn’t get the actual design of this coop through the Web, I did get ideas on how to do certain things and some of the fun touches were based on things I had seen on Pinterest.  Of course I couldn’t have done this at all without the muscle in our family, Eric.  This coop is now several years old and while still serving its purpose, we have begun building a bigger coop that will house up to 30 Chickens out at Rays Place.  I plan to incorporate some of this coop in the process and will blog about said coop soon I hope!😉

Semi-Naked Cake... Who would have thought so simple!
Here is a quick tutorial on YouTube by Chelsweets


 There are lots of tutorials out there to get creative with your cake making!  These were all hits with my family and co-workers!
Here are the links:
-Teddy Bear Baby Shower Fondant Cake Toppers:
-Airplane Fondant Cake Topper:  Just search “ Airplane Fondant Cake Topper” and you will find some variations.  I didn’t use just one on this cake.  I looked at several.
-Pirouette Cake:  I used this Snickerdoodle Cake Link only to see how it was put together.  I actually made a Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Buttercream for my version.
- Ocean Cake with Dolphins:  I looked up how to make ocean waves with buttercream and then did my own thing, stuck some toy dolphins in it with a ball and called it good!👍😜

My Oldest Grandsons loved helping with this project I found on Pinterest.

A little patience and you will get the hang of these cuties!  


Don’t say a word! 🤦‍♀️  There are tons of organizational videos on the Internet... I think I watched them all! 

With my new Herb Garden ( Part of our Test Garden), I wanted to learn how to dry herbs for winter use.  This link was useful.
  I can’t wait to use my dried Sage this Thanksgiving!  It smells wonderful!

I wanted to learn how to dry our rose petals so I could use them in soaps and such.  Here is a link that shows different ways to do this.
 I used the Microwave and had fantastic results!  

You can easily find inspiration for less expensive options for decorating with beautiful results as shown here with yet another Pinterest inspired Centerpiece and all this one took was a hula-hoop, scrap wood, paint, and trimmings.  There are several options for bases out there but next week I will go into detail about how we made this one along with 18 more  for our Nieces Wedding this coming weekend.  I can’t wait to show you!

As I said, these are just a few of many.  I’ve had many wins and I’ve had many fails but each time I try something new I bring more experience to the table and that is always a good thing I think!😜


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